PHL 458 Week 5 Learning Team Persuasive Communication Presentation

This work PHL 458 Week 5 Learning Team Persuasive Communication Presentation comprises answer on the following task:

“Learning Team Persuasive Communication Presentation Use the issue addressed in your previous Learning Team Activity and Assignment.Select the most appropriate format to persuade your intended audience of the resolution to your issue. Possible formats include a political campaign, a city council proposal, an editorial article, a commercial, a radio-style podcast, a comprehensive political pamphlet, an interactive game, a website, and so forth.Explain why you chose your format for your intended audience.Create a presentation of your message as you would present it to your intended audience. Include the following in your presentation: Consider possible reasons your audience might reject your ideas. Address anticipated audience objections to your proposal.Devise strategies for persuading your audience to accept your proposal and incorporate that persuasion in your presentation of the message. Strategically organize your material to deliver your message with the ultimate effect.Post your Persuasive Communication Presentation in the Main forum to allow your classmates to review it.Review the Persuasive Communication Presentation posted by your classmates.Discuss how you and your classmates respond to different messages and how you think the intended audiences might receive each of the Learning Teams’ messages. (these posts will count as participation).

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