information management unit 2 – 25 with 1 written question:

BAM 225 information management unit 2

1.    In a multi-tiered network:

       a.    the work of the entire network is centralized.       b.   the work of the entire network is balanced over several levels of servers.       c.   processing is split between clients and servers.       d.   processing is handled by multiple, geographically remote clients.

2.   A client computer networked to a server computer, with processing split be      tween the two types of machines, is called a(n):

       a.    service-oriented architecture.       b.   on-demand architecture.       c.   multi-tiered client/server architecture.       d.   two-tiered client/server architecture.

3.    The primary storage technologies are:

       a.    storage networks, magnetic tape, magnetic disk, and optical disk.       b.   hard drives, magnetic tape, magnetic disk, and optical disk.       c.    storage networks, magnetic disks, hard disks, and optical disks.       d.   hard drives, removable drives, storage networks, and magnetic tape.

4.    Which of the following is a type of optical disk storage?

       a.   CD-ROM       b.   Hard drive       c.   USB Flash drive       d.   Magnetic tape

5.    Which of the following storage technology stores data sequentially?

       a.    CD-ROM       b.   RAID       c.    Magnetic disks       d.   Magnetic tape

6.    A high-speed network dedicated to storage that connects different kinds of       storage devices, such as tape libraries and disk arrays so they can be shared       by multiple servers best describes:

       a.   SSN.       b.   ASP.       c.   LAN.       d.   SAN.

7.    Which of the following is a device used to collect data directly from the envi       ronment for input into a computer system?

       a.   Sensor       b.   Touch screen       c.   Audio input       d.   Trackball

8.    What type of device gathers data and converts them into electronic form for       use by the computer?

       a.   Output device       b.   Input device       c.   Optical storage       d.   Magnetic storage

9.    Which of the following is not a type of output device?

       a.    Speakers       b.   Cathode ray tube       c.   Ink jet printer       d.   Keyboard

10.  In a relational database, a record is also called a(n):

       a.   Tuple       b.   Part       c.   Entity       d.   Field

11.   A field identified in a table as holding the unique identifier of the table’s        records is called the:

       a.   primary key.       b.   key field.       c.   primary field.       d.   foreign key.

12.   A field identified in a record as holding the unique identifier for that record        is called the:

       a.   primary key.       b.   key field.       c.   primary field.       d.   foreign key.

13.  A schematic of the entire database that describes the relationships in a data       base is called a(n):

       a.   data dictionary.       b.   intersection relationship diagram.       c.   entity-relationship diagram.       d.   data definition diagram.

14.  A one-to-one relationship between two entities is symbolized in a diagram by        a line that ends:

       a.   in two short marks.       b.   in one short mark.       c.   with a crow’s foot.       d.   with a crow’s foot topped by a short mark.

15.   A one-to-many relationship between two entities is symbolized in a diagram        by a line that ends:

       a.   in two short marks.       b.   in one short mark.       c.   with a crow’s foot.       d.   with a crow’s foot topped by a short mark.

16.  A table that links two tables that have a many-to-many relationship is often       called a(n):

       a.   derived table.       b.   intersection relation.       c.   foreign table.       d.   entity-relationship table.

17.  The process of streamlining data to minimize redundancy and awkward       many-to-many relationships is called:

       a.   normalization.       b.   data scrubbing.       c.   data cleansing.       d.   data administration.

18.  Which type of network is used to connect digital devices within a half-mile        or 500-meter radius?

       a.   Microwave       b.   LAN       c.   WAN       d.   MAN        

19.  Which type of network treats all processors equally, and allows peripheral        devices to be shared without going to a separate server?

       a.   Peer-to-peer       b.   Wireless       c.   LAN       d.   Ring

20.  Which type of network would be most appropriate for a business that com       prised three employees and a manager located in the same office space,       whose primary need is to share documents?

       a.    Wireless network in infrastructure mode       b.    Domain-based LAN       c.    Peer-to-peer network       d.    Campus area network   

21.  In a bus network:

       a.   signals are broadcast to the next station.       b.   signals are broadcast in both directions to the entire network.       c.   multiple hubs are organized in a hierarchy.       d.   messages pass from computer to computer in a loop.

22.  All network components connect to a single hub in a:

       a.    star network        b.   bus network       c.    domain network       d.   peer-to-peer network

23.  The most common Ethernet topology is:

       a.   bus.       b.   star.       c.   ring.       d.   mesh.

24.  A network that spans a city, and sometimes its major suburbs as well, is an       example of a:

       a.   CAN       b.   MAN        c.    WAN       d.   LAN

25.   A network that covers a large geographic area is most commonly referred to        as a(n):

       a.   local area network.        b.   Intranet.       c.    peer-to-peer network.        d.   wide area network.

Written Assignment for Unit Two

• Include your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number on each page of your written assignment (this is for your protection in case your materials become separated). • Begin each written assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type). • Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e. an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion). • Responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document only, typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.

Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to written assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit written assignments that fall in the following ranges:

Undergraduate courses: 350 – 500 words or 1 – 2 pages. Plagiarism All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course Syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles.

Please answer ONE of the following:

1.    Describe the major components of IT infrastructure.

2.    What types of relationships are possible in a relational database? Describe       and give an example of each.

3.    What are the business advantages of using voice over IP (VoIP) technology?

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