Harvard University AirAsia X Can the Low Cost Model Go Long Haul Essay

Case Notes are intended to facilitate class discussion and can be written in any format (bulleted lists, random scribbles, etc.). These are your chance to practice the analytical frameworks (VRIO, 5-forces, CAGE, etc.) in connection with that day’s case. You should also use these to practice problem formulation and providing a recommended course of action (solution). These are graded on effort, not correctness, but should be 2 pages of work in length.

20 points each, earned as follows:

  • 10 pts – Analysis using Frameworks and Concepts from text book
  • 5 pts – Problem Formulation
  • 5 pts – Recommended Actions

Here are the frameworks/concepts to practice. This is the minimum. You can always practice frameworks not listed if you want to improve your abilities in them as well.

  • Case Notes #2: VRIO
    • AirAsia (online coursepack)

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