ECO 316 Week 3 Chapter 17 The Money Supply Process

This file of ECO 316 Week 3 Chapter 17 The Money Supply Process shows the solutions to the following problems:

17.1 Multiple Choice Questions

1) The British central bank is known as

2) The Japanese central bank is known as

3) The central bank for the countries who have adopted the euro as their currency is known as

4) The aggregate M1 consists of

5) The monetary base is equal to

6) Which of the following is a liability of the Fed?

7) Which of the following is an asset of the Fed?

8) Which of the following is a liability of the Fed?

9) Most of the reserves of the banking system are held as

10) What do we need to add to Federal Reserve currency in circulation and bank reserves in order to arrive at the monetary base?

11) The currency of the United States is issued by

12) The difference between currency outstanding and currency in circulation is equal to

13) Vault cash is a(an)

14) The largest liability of the Fed is

15) As of July 2006, the value of currency in circulation was about

16) As of July 2006, which of the following was true?

17) Reserve deposits are

18) Reserves equal

19) The percentage of deposits that banks must hold as reserves is called the

20) The Fed pays interest on

21) Why do banks avoid holding excess reserves?

22) Banks prefer to hold their liquid balances as

23) The primary assets of the Fed are

24) The Fed’s portfolio of securities consists principally of

25) When the Fed holds U.S. government securities, it

26) Most of the earnings that the Fed receives on interest from government securities are

27) When the Fed extends loans to depository institutions

28) When the Fed lends to depository institutions, the loans are called

29) The interest rate the Fed charges on loans to depository institutions is known as

30) What is the most direct method the Fed uses to change the monetary base?

31) Open market operations involve

32) If the Fed buys securities worth $10 million, then

33) If the Fed purchases securities worth $10 million from a commercial bank, the banking system’s balance sheet will show

34) If the Fed purchases $1 million in securities from the nonbank public, the monetary base will rise by $1 million

35) A $10 million open market purchase will increase the monetary base by

36) A $10 million open market purchase will increase bank reserves by

37) A $10 million open market sale will decrease the monetary base by

38) A $10 million open market sale will decrease the reserves of the banking system by

39) If the Fed sells securities worth $10 million to a commercial bank, the Fed’s balance sheet will show

40) In managing the monetary base, the Fed most often uses

41) If the Fed makes a discount loan of $2 million to a commercial bank, the Fed’s balance sheet will show

42) Although open market operations and discount loans both change the monetary base, the Fed has

43) Which of the following statements is correct?

44) Which of the following statements is correct?

45) When banks borrow on the federal funds market

46) On the books of the Fed the difference between borrowed reserves and discount loans is equal to

47) Which of the following expressions is correct?

48) If the Fed purchases $50,000 in T-bills from a bank, by how much will the bank’s excess reserves increase?

49) What is the maximum amount a bank can lend?

50) Suppose that a bank with no excess reserves receives a deposit into a checking account of $10,000 in currency. If the required reserve ratio is 0.20, what is the maximum amount that the bank can lend out?

51) The earliest banks

52) Suppose that the banking system currency has no excess reserves and that a bank receives a deposit into a checking account of $10,000 in currency. If the required reserve ratio is 0.20, what is the maximum amount that the banking system can lend out?

53) If banks do not hold excess reserves, the multiple deposit expansion process ends when

54) The effect on multiple deposit expansion

55) Suppose a bank with no excess reserves buys Treasury securities from the Fed. In order to raise the additional funds necessary to meet its reserve requirements the bank may

56) Which of the following assumptions made in deriving the simple deposit multiplier is unrealistic?

57) Which of the following statements concerning movements in the currency-deposit ratio is NOT correct?

58) All of the following are likely to lead to a decrease in the currency-deposit ratio EXCEPT

59) Holding other things constant, the currency-deposit ratio will

60) During a banking panic

61) The anonymity premium refers to

62) The increase in the currency-to-deposit ratio during the 1960s was probably due to

63) The currency-to-deposit ratio will rise when

64) A good reason for suspecting the existence of a substantial underground economy is

65) When banks hold excess reserves, the size of the money multiplier

66) Which of the following is NOT true of bank holdings of excess reserves?

67) When deposit withdrawals exceed reserves, which of the following is NOT a way in which banks bear the cost?

68) A rise in market interest rates

69) When the spread between the T-bill rate and the discount rate increases

70) The money multiplier

71) Required reserves are equal to

72) The money supply process focuses on the monetary base rather than on bank reserves because

73) If banks hold no excess reserves, checkable deposits total $1.5 billion, currency totals $400 million, and the required reserve ratio is 10%, then the monetary base equals

74) During the early 1930s

75) Which of the following statements about the early 1930s is correct?

76) If currency outstanding equals $200 million, checkable deposits equal $1 billion, reserves equal $150 million, and the required reserve ratio is 0.10, the money multiplier equals

77) If currency outstanding equals $500 million, checkable deposits equal $2 billion, reserves equal $200 million, and the required reserve ratio is 0.10, the money multiplier equals

78) The size of the money multiplier depends upon all of the following EXCEPT

79) Which of the following equations is correct?

80) Which of the following equations is correct?

81) Which of the following equations is correct?

82) Fed watchers are

83) Over periods of several years, the primary determinant of changes in the money supply is changes in

84) Virtually all of the growth of the monetary base is caused by

85) During 1985 and 1986 the money multiplier

86) During the last 20 years, the M1 money multiplier

17.2 Essay Questions

1) Suppose the Federal Reserve decides to begin conducting open market operations by buying and selling Pokemon cards rather than Treasury securities. What would be the impact on the monetary base if the Fed purchased $100 million worth of Pokemon cards?

2) Evaluate the following argument: “If banks increase their excess reserves, the monetary base will increase. If the monetary base increases, the money supply will increase. Therefore, an increase in excess reserves increases the money supply.”

3) What is the most important factor accounting for changes in the money supply in the long run?

4) Suppose the banking system holds no excess reserves. If the required reserve ratio is 0.10 and the money multiplier is 2.5, what is the value of the currency-deposit ratio?

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