Survey Courses

Compared to the British redcoats, most colonial troops were: a. bette

Compared to the British redcoats, most colonial troops were: a. better adapted to using guerrilla tactics in a war in America b. better equipped than the redcoats, particularly after 1778 c. willing to enlist in the regular army for the war’s duration d. more experienced in bayonet charges   ANSWER A

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Date: September 9th, 2020

In the eastern portion of North America, the preeminent concern of Ind

In the eastern portion of North America, the preeminent concern of Indian peoples was __________. A) falling prices for fish and furs B) population growth in the British colonies C) internal political divisions within tribes and confederacies D) the arrival of French and Spanish colonists   ANSWER Answer: B

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The Albany Conference of 1754 provided a clear indication of _________

The Albany Conference of 1754 provided a clear indication of __________. A) the refusal of British officials to deal with the disaffection of the Iroquois B) the power of Benjamin Franklin to persuade colonial assemblies to follow his path C) the sense of community that pervaded relations among the colonies in 1754 D) the inability […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Why did Spain initially have little interest in settling California?

Why did Spain initially have little interest in settling California? a. The region was full of Native American groups who fought any Europeans who tried to settle there. b. The region had so many French settlers that the Spanish did not want to fight over land with them. c. The region appeared to lack natural […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020