Survey Courses

At the Hartford Convention, representatives from five New England stat

At the Hartford Convention, representatives from five New England states __________. A) insisted states could nullify unconstitutional federal actions B) sought a revision of the Constitution C) passed a secession resolution to go into effect by 1815 D) condemned the terms of the Treaty of Ghent   ANSWER Answer: A

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Jackson vetoed the Maysville Road Bill of 1830 mainly because ________

Jackson vetoed the Maysville Road Bill of 1830 mainly because __________. A) he disapproved of any federal funding for internal improvements B) the nation did not have an urgent need for additional transportation C) he felt that corrupt government contractors would destroy the project D) it was sponsored by his rival, Clay   ANSWER Answer: […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020