Survey Courses

The term “Black Death” refers to A) the malaria infection brought to

The term “Black Death” refers to A) the malaria infection brought to the New World by African slaves. B) the bubonic plague that swept away nearly one-third of Europe’s population in the fourteenth century. C) the ruthless destruction of New World populations by Spanish conquistadores. D) syphilis epidemics that killed thousands of Europeans who migrated […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

In the Jay Treaty, John Jay got the British to agree to all of the fol

In the Jay Treaty, John Jay got the British to agree to all of the following EXCEPT A) to promise to evacuate the Northwest forts. B) to stop inciting raids by Native Americans. C) to pay damages for American ships it had seized. D) to permit American merchants some trade with the British West Indies. […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Anti-Masons were A) accused of being a privileged group who used poli

Anti-Masons were A) accused of being a privileged group who used political influence to attain power and profit. B) a political party that attacked special privilege. C) a series of presidents from Virginia who controlled the White House for the first quarter of the nineteenth century. D) a political party that later merged with the […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020