American migration westward following the Revolution was complicated by __________. A) Spain’s refusal to accept the terms of the Treaty of Paris B) the return of the Ohio Valley to French control C) Britain’s refusal to allow American use of the port of New Orleans D) the inability of Congress to enact western land policies […]
Washington may have saved republican government in America in 1783 when he __________. A) refused to back Continental officers’ demands at Newburgh B) persuaded Maryland to ratify the Articles of Confederation C) negotiated the peace treaty with Britain D) put down a slave uprising ANSWER Answer: A
What provision of Jefferson’s proposal for the organization of western lands was rejected by Congress? A) creation of territorial governments B) abolition of slavery in the West C) division of western lands into territories D) creation of a path to statehood for western territories ANSWER Answer: B
Under the provisions of the Virginia Plan, __________. A) Congress would have no power to tax B) a bicameral legislature would be organized according to state population C) an independent chief executive elected by popular vote would check legislative power D) a single house legislature would equally represent all states ANSWER Answer: B
Jefferson’s supporters called themselves Republicans to emphasize that the Federalists were __________. A) pro-French B) monarchists at heart C) too devoted to states’ rights D) unclear of their politics ANSWER Answer: B
The economic crisis that produced Shays’s Rebellion had its origins in __________. A) the Revolution B) the 1760s C) colonial fiscal traditions D) U.S. foreign policy ANSWER Answer: A
Eighteenth-century Russian expansion into Alaska was mainly driven by __________. A) the fur trade B) the fishing industry C) Russian agricultural villages D) gold mining ANSWER Answer: A
The battle at Tippecanoe __________. A) was a decisive victory for William Henry Harrison B) resulted in the death of Tecumseh C) forced the Shawnee to flee west D) drove Tecumseh into a formal alliance with Britain ANSWER Answer: D
Tenskwatawa, the Prophet, argued that Indians would survive best if they __________. A) allied into a confederacy and destroyed the Americans B) joined with sympathetic missionaries and converted to Christianity C) turned into yeoman farmers and assimilated D) avoided Americans and returned to their traditional ways ANSWER Answer: D
In what ways did Jefferson reverse the policies of his Federalist predecessors? What were the consequences of Jefferson’s new policies? What will be an ideal response? ANSWER Key Points: debt; taxes; size of government; scope of governmental activity; agrarian “republic of virtue”