Survey Courses

One of the most significant consequences of the writings of Bartolomé

One of the most significant consequences of the writings of Bartolomé Las Casas was A) they prompted Spanish authorities to make radical reforms in improving the Spanish relations and policies concerning the Indians of North and South America. B) they were used by Protestant enemies of Catholic Spain to create a long-lasting story of Spanish […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Why did Andrew Johnson particularly resist the Civil Rights Act of 186

Why did Andrew Johnson particularly resist the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Fourteenth Amendment? a. Johnson felt that these laws did not grant full equal rights to African Americans, and thus pushed for further legislation, which ultimately became the Fifteenth Amendment. b. Johnson strongly supported states’ rights and felt that these laws did […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

What was the ultimate fate of the English colony at Roanoke? A) It wa

What was the ultimate fate of the English colony at Roanoke? A) It was abandoned by 1590 because the colonists were either massacred or simply melted into the surrounding Indian tribes. B) It survived for 30 years after being resupplied by John White with the promised supplies in 1590. C) It survived until 1608 when […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

All of the following were TRUE about the Halfway Covenant in Massachus

All of the following were TRUE about the Halfway Covenant in Massachusetts EXCEPT A) it was a religious compromise that increased church membership in Massachusetts. B) it permitted those adults who were not church members but who had been baptized to have their own children baptized. C) it expanded the universe of eligible voters in […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Upon arriving in the New World, English settlers __________. a. quick

Upon arriving in the New World, English settlers __________. a. quickly abandoned English beliefs and values b. generally adapted old beliefs to the new environment c. rarely were forced to significantly change their old English ways d. usually adopted the customs of the local Indian tribes as a way to survive e. immediately focused on […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

All of the following accompanied the outcomes of King Philip’s War EXC

All of the following accompanied the outcomes of King Philip’s War EXCEPT A) authorities in Plymouth and Boston expelled many of the Indians from New England. B) the end of the independent nation that Metacom and his father Massasoit had led. C) 5,000 people were killed: 1,000 English residents and at least 4,000 Native Americans […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020