The march of Jacob S. Coxey’s Army on Washington was an attempt to force the federal government to respond to __________. A) spoils and corruption B) railroad rates C) controlling drinking D) the depression of 1893 ANSWER Answer: D
From 1878 to 1897, Frances E. Willard headed the __________. A) Knights of Labor B) WCTU C) Grangers D) Farmers’ Alliance ANSWER Answer: B
__________ insurgents rallied in the 1890s under the nationalist leadership of José Martà. A) Filipino B) Cuban C) Mexican D) Haitian ANSWER Answer: B
Oregon progressives were particularly known for __________. A) public educational reform B) civil service reforms C) environmental policies D) strengthening direct democracy ANSWER Answer: D
Businesses organized company towns mainly __________. A) to improve the lives of their workers B) to maximize company control over workers’ lives C) at the demand of unions D) under government pressure ANSWER Answer: B
Which of these was one of three basic attitudes that underlay progressivism? A) anger at the excesses of industrial capitalism and urban growth B) belief in the inferiority of the lower classes C) commitment to the ideal of individualism D) anger at the growing power of unions and other labor organizations ANSWER Answer: A
Roosevelt had a so-called Gentlemen’s Agreement that limited immigration from __________. A) China B) Panama C) Mexico D) Japan ANSWER Answer: D
After the United States entered the war, almost all progressives __________. A) continued to oppose U.S. involvement B) accepted Wilson’s leadership and threw themselves into the war effort C) shifted their support to the Republican Party D) enlisted in the army to fight in France ANSWER Answer: B
Both progressives and Christian moralists supported Prohibition, imposed by the __________ Amendment. A) Nineteenth B) Eighteenth C) Twentieth D) Seventeenth ANSWER Answer: B
Who was the lead representative of the British at the Paris peace talks? A) David Lloyd George B) Georges Clemenceau C) Vittorio Orlando D) Winston Churchill ANSWER Answer: A