Jefferson resigned his cabinet position because of __________. A) disputes with Hamilton over economic policy B) disagreement with Washington’s neutrality policy C) Washington’s decision to veto the Bank bill D) revelation of his relationship with Sally Hemings ANSWER Answer: B
In 1798, Americans became involved in a “Quasi-War” with __________. A) Spain B) England C) the Iroquois D) France ANSWER Answer: D
Why is Alexander Hamilton considered the most influential member of Washington’s cabinet? What will be an ideal response? ANSWER Key Points: fiscal crisis of the 1780s; debt; proposed solutions; economic and political stability
Although it was temporary, this Mexican province declared itself independent of Spain in 1812. A) Texas B) Florida C) California D) New Mexico ANSWER Answer: A
American export and reexport trade between 1790 and 1815 would be best described as __________. A) stagnant B) steadily declining C) steadily increasing D) increasing and decreasing erratically ANSWER Answer: D
American efforts during the War of 1812 to grab territory in British Canada __________. A) ended in failure B) were a moderate success C) were one of the few bright spots in the war for the Americans D) were thwarted by the intervention of Spain and Russia ANSWER Answer: A
A common defense of the institution of slavery by slave owners was that __________. A) slaves were treated better than northern industrial workers B) they were becoming Christianized and thus their souls would be saved C) slave children played with white children D) slaves lived better on southern plantations than the natives in Africa […]
The phrase “black belt” refers to this in the South. A) areas of greatest slave population B) center of large plantations C) law codes that restricted free blacks D) fertile soil of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi ANSWER Answer: D
White masters learned to live with the two key institutions of African American community life, which were __________. A) African languages and African religions B) literacy and individualism C) music and traveling D) the family and the African American church ANSWER Answer: D
The election of 1824 was decided by the __________. A) popular vote B) electoral vote C) House of Representatives D) Supreme Court ANSWER Answer: C