Survey Courses

Take the role of a western farmer, southern planter, or eastern manufa

Take the role of a western farmer, southern planter, or eastern manufacturer. Indicate your views on federal policies from 1815 to 1835. What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Farmer: likes liberal land policies and internal improvements; dislikes tariffs and banks Planter: dislikes tariffs, liberal land policies, internal improvements, and banks Manufacturer: likes tariff, […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

In his second Open Door note, Secretary of State John Hay asked the im

In his second Open Door note, Secretary of State John Hay asked the imperial powers to A) preserve the territorial integrity of China. B) unite to suppress the Boxer Rebellion in China. C) recognize America’s control of the Philippines. D) respect the United states’ sphere of influence in Latin America.   ANSWER A

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Describe the role that racism played in the emergence of America as a

Describe the role that racism played in the emergence of America as a world power. Include the influence of the ideas of American exceptionalism, Anglo-Saxonism, and Social Darwinism. What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER The idea of being a chosen (exceptional) people is deeply rooted in American history. Social Darwinists loaned the concept […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Why were movements like immigration restriction, religious fundamental

Why were movements like immigration restriction, religious fundamentalism, and the Ku Klux Klan so popular in the 1920s? What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER All three were related to the fear, anxiety, and uncertainty generated by rapid social change in the 1920s. Those seeking a refuge from challenges to traditional values and behaviors […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Explain why Samoa and Hawaii were thought to be strategically importan

Explain why Samoa and Hawaii were thought to be strategically important for the United States in the late nineteenth century. What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Both island groups had excellent natural harbors: Pago Pago in Samoa and Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Both could be important coaling stations for a Pacific naval fleet. […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The Sedition Act distressed many Americans because it __________. a.

The Sedition Act distressed many Americans because it __________. a. threatened their political right to disagree with and speak out against the government b. gave the Federalists too much power and reduced the Republicans’ power c. suspended free elections, depriving all white males of their voting rights d. expanded the powers of Congress, which meant […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Soviet Premier Gorbachev’s creation of the Soviet Union’s first workin

Soviet Premier Gorbachev’s creation of the Soviet Union’s first working legislature and his allowing competitive elections in 1989 are examples of ________ ; his legalization of small private business corporations and leasing of land to individuals are examples of ________ . A) glasnost; perestroika B) perestroika, glasnost C) glasnost; detente D) detente; perestroika   ANSWER […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020