Survey Courses

Europeans turned to alternative routes to Asia when __________. A) re

Europeans turned to alternative routes to Asia when __________. A) religious fighting in Europe blocked traditional overland routes B) renewed Islamic power in the Middle East cut off the Silk Road to Cathay C) an outbreak of plague blocked trade routes through Central Asia D) Columbus discovered the Americas   ANSWER B

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Date: September 9th, 2020

What event prompted a massive wave of “sit-ins” across the country? a

What event prompted a massive wave of “sit-ins” across the country? a. African Americans went on a hunger strike after being refused service at a diner. b. An African American soldier refused to stand and salute an abusive white officer. c. A white restaurant owner assaulted a black customer when she asked to be served […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Pre-Civil War pioneers crossed the Great Plains with no intention of s

Pre-Civil War pioneers crossed the Great Plains with no intention of stopping there to start a settlement. The post-Civil War pioneers were intentionally moving to the Great Plains. What events made this area attractive? A) the passing of the Homestead Act, the ability to farm, and the discovery of mineral wealth B) the Homestead Act, […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020