Survey Courses

Indentured servants __________. a. were working off the cost of their

Indentured servants __________. a. were working off the cost of their passage to America b. served the same number of years regardless of age or experience c. had no more legal rights than slaves d. received grants of land when their terms were up e. usually lived long enough to complete their terms of service […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

President-elect Andrew Jackson’s political agenda and electoral victor

President-elect Andrew Jackson’s political agenda and electoral victory in 1828 A) reflected his concerns for the economic and political interests of a broad spectrum of white America. B) illustrated his primary concern for the sectional economic and political interests of a narrow slice of white America associated with the white southern slaveholding class. C) demonstrated […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

All of the following interests generally opposed the tariff of 1828 EX

All of the following interests generally opposed the tariff of 1828 EXCEPT A) slave owners in the South. B) producers of molasses, hemp, iron, and wool in the mid-Atlantic states. C) New England cotton mill owners. D) southern agricultural interests including producers of cotton and various foodstuffs in the region.   ANSWER Answer: B

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The Mormon belief that prompted decades of political persecutions by s

The Mormon belief that prompted decades of political persecutions by state and federal government authorities and organized violence against Mormons was A) the American and magical origins surrounding the traditional story of the birth of their religion. B) The Book of Mormon replacing the New Testament as the revealed word of Jesus Christ. C) the […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Wilson hurt his chances to get the Treaty of Versailles ratified _____

Wilson hurt his chances to get the Treaty of Versailles ratified __________. a. through his failure to ask for the American people’s support b. because he was unwilling to compromise with opponents c. by working too closely with isolationist opponents d. because he did not work hard enough to convince opponents e. through his vague […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

All of the following were arguments advanced by educational reformer C

All of the following were arguments advanced by educational reformer Catherine Beecher for more women being encouraged to enter the teaching profession EXCEPT A) a woman’s maternal nurturing role and instincts made her better equipped to be a teacher than a man. B) including more women as teachers would expand the supply of teachers for […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020