Survey Courses

The wartime bracero program was initiated to A) advance the civil rig

The wartime bracero program was initiated to A) advance the civil rights of Mexican Americans living in the Southwest. B) reduce the level of juvenile delinquency in Southwestern cities. C) meet the demand for farm workers in the Southwest. D) remove illegal Mexican immigrants from defense industry employment.   ANSWER C

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Assess the achievement of Thomas Jefferson’s principles by 1815. Note

Assess the achievement of Thomas Jefferson’s principles by 1815. Note especially ways in which his principles were compromised during the Jefferson and Madison administrations. What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Consider: attack on judiciary was incompatible with belief in meritocracy; Louisiana Purchase required implied powers; continuation of slavery violated assertion of equality; enforcement […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

By 1820, there was reason to believe that slavery was a dying institut

By 1820, there was reason to believe that slavery was a dying institution because of all of the following EXCEPT that A) Congress had barred slavery from the Old Northwest. B) most northern states had abolished slavery. C) the slave population had begun to decline. D) Congress had outlawed the African slave trade.   ANSWER […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020