Survey Courses

Changes in higher education included __________. a. a loosening of ad

Changes in higher education included __________. a. a loosening of admission standards for professional training b. the first separate graduate schools c. an increased emphasis on a classical curriculum d. a focus on training young men for the ministry e. more educational opportunities for women   ANSWER E

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Date: September 9th, 2020

General Thomas Gage’s appointment as governor of Massachusetts was evi

General Thomas Gage’s appointment as governor of Massachusetts was evidence of __________. A) British resolve to seek peaceful accommodation with the colonists B) British resolve to force the colonists into obedience C) American influence over the Board of Trade’s appointments D) British concern with American public opinion   ANSWER Answer: B

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Which of the following places events in the correct chronological orde

Which of the following places events in the correct chronological order? a. Morrill Land Grant Act, Plessy v. Ferguson, establishment of Tuskegee Institute b. Plessy v. Ferguson, Morrill Land Grant Act, establishment of Tuskegee Institute c. establishment of Tuskegee Institute, Morrill Land Grant Act, Plessy v. Ferguson d. Morrill Land Grant Act, establishment of Tuskegee […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Which of these best describes the Continental Army encamped at Valley

Which of these best describes the Continental Army encamped at Valley Forge? A) Many were drawn from the ranks of the poor and disadvantaged. B) No women were present with the army. C) Most did not understand or believe in their cause. D) Most of its soldiers were well-trained professionals.   ANSWER Answer: A

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Date: September 9th, 2020

In the years during and after the Revolutionary War, the institution o

In the years during and after the Revolutionary War, the institution of slavery __________. A) was abolished in a number of northern states B) was unaffected C) eliminated the possibility of any African Americans serving in the Patriot cause D) was weakened in the Lower South with the shift away from tobacco farming   ANSWER […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

In the ratification debate, a Federalist would have agreed with which

In the ratification debate, a Federalist would have agreed with which statement? A) The Articles of Confederation is the true “federal” government, sharing powers between the national and state governments. B) The safest depository for the rights of the people lies in local governments. C) A strong national government is less susceptible to control by […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

In dealing with the Whiskey Rebellion, President Washington __________

In dealing with the Whiskey Rebellion, President Washington __________. A) did not take action because of political issues B) worked for compromise to protect the republic C) overreacted out of fear of allowing another Shays’s Rebellion to get out of hand D) could raise only a small military force   ANSWER Answer: C

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Date: September 9th, 2020