Survey Courses

The demands of the rebels involved in Bacon’s Rebellion included the

The demands of the rebels involved in Bacon’s Rebellion included the A) confiscation of wealthy landowners’ land and property and its redistribution to poor whites and free Africans. B) right to kill Indians indiscriminately and steal their land. C) restoration of Governor Berkeley to colonial power. D) creation of a new, separate colony in western […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Theodore Roosevelt can be considered one of the country’s first conser

Theodore Roosevelt can be considered one of the country’s first conservationist presidents because he __________. a. created 150 million acres in new government preserves b. loved animals and the remaining wilderness in the United States c. believed in sequestering public land, so it would not be damaged d. opposed the use of coal because it […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

After 1676, Bacon’s Rebellion had convinced the planter elite in Virgi

After 1676, Bacon’s Rebellion had convinced the planter elite in Virginia and Maryland that A) African slaves would make better and more dependable workers than indentured servants. B) slavery should be a temporary and discretionary status for Africans brought to North America through the slave trade. C) the number of African slaves should be reduced […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

In response to encroachment by white settlers, the Cherokee __________

In response to encroachment by white settlers, the Cherokee __________. a. rejected their native culture and assimilated into white society b. voluntarily ceded their lands to the American government c. created a military alliance with the Creek and Seminole d. forcibly resisted using their military forces e. adopted a policy of accommodation   ANSWER E

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Date: September 9th, 2020