Survey Courses

Demonstrate in what ways Benjamin Franklin’s complaint in the 1760s th

Demonstrate in what ways Benjamin Franklin’s complaint in the 1760s that the souring of relations between England and the American colonies was the fault of British trade policies. What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Franklin probably exaggerated the “souring” effect of the trade policies before 1760, but the Navigation Acts did hamper the […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The Sugar Act was NOT designed to A) raise the customs duty on foreig

The Sugar Act was NOT designed to A) raise the customs duty on foreign molasses imported into the American colonies. B) raise revenue in the colonies to help pay England’s increased costs of imperial administration. C) place new customs duties on foreign goods like sugar and wine that colonists regularly purchased in the West Indies. […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

During the era of the European slave trade, West Africans __________.

During the era of the European slave trade, West Africans __________. a. were quite isolated from the rest of the world b. had a simple, self-sufficient economy c. had a single monolithic culture that covered most of the African continent d. were increasingly being converted by Muslim missionaries e. were united by a single language […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Explain why the “article of faith among northerners that theirs was a

Explain why the “article of faith among northerners that theirs was a society of unprecedented economic equality and opportunity, free of rigid class divisions and glaring extremes of wealth and poverty” is not entirely an accurate depiction of reality.   ANSWER Consider: wealth highly concentrated at the top; wide class distinctions, social stratification; urban poverty; […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Explain why, when compared to the Caribbean and Latin America, there w

Explain why, when compared to the Caribbean and Latin America, there was relative infrequency of slave rebellion in the southern United States. What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Consider: little chance of success; terrible consequences of failure; slaves greatly outnumbered; whites armed and united; no safe havens to escape to; hard to plan […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020