Survey Courses

Which of these best explains the rapid growth of the slave population

Which of these best explains the rapid growth of the slave population in the American South, relative to other nineteenth-century New World slave societies? A) higher fertility of enslaved African American women B) better food given to African American slaves C) greater number of slaves imported from Africa D) better housing provided to African American […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Why was the National Road unsatisfactory to farmers in a commercial se

Why was the National Road unsatisfactory to farmers in a commercial sense? A) Shipments of bulky goods like grain were too slow and expensive by road. B) The National Road did not connect the East to the West. C) The road dramatically reduced costs and travel times, but was very dangerous. D) The road did […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The work style changes that occurred as factory production transformed

The work style changes that occurred as factory production transformed the American economy included __________. A) shorter work hours than the preindustrial sunup to sundown experience B) the regulation of work lives by clocks and bells C) a blending of work and relaxation at the job site D) a blending of work and leisure   […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020