Survey Courses

After 1676, Bacon’s Rebellion had convinced the planter elite in Virgi

After 1676, Bacon’s Rebellion had convinced the planter elite in Virginia and Maryland that A) African slaves would make better and more dependable workers than indentured servants. B) slavery should be a temporary and discretionary status for Africans brought to North America through the slave trade. C) the number of African slaves should be reduced […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

In response to encroachment by white settlers, the Cherokee __________

In response to encroachment by white settlers, the Cherokee __________. a. rejected their native culture and assimilated into white society b. voluntarily ceded their lands to the American government c. created a military alliance with the Creek and Seminole d. forcibly resisted using their military forces e. adopted a policy of accommodation   ANSWER E

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Date: September 9th, 2020

What was the vision of revolution that many African Americans held pri

What was the vision of revolution that many African Americans held prior to the American Revolution? How did the vision of revolution of many African Americans differ from that of most whites in the colonies?   ANSWER Answer: An ideal answer will: 1. Discuss that one key component of African Americans’ vision of the coming […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020