Survey Courses

Africans were similar to American Indians in that A) they each though

Africans were similar to American Indians in that A) they each thought of themselves as members of a tribe, not as members of a larger cultural group connected by geography or trading networks. B) enslaving members of another tribe distressed both Africans and American Indians. C) they disregarded the potential profitability of capturing and selling […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The Tuskegee Study of syphilitic African Americans was A) supposed to

The Tuskegee Study of syphilitic African Americans was A) supposed to document the damage of syphilis to African-American males. B) designed to test the effects of penicillin on syphilitic patients. C) based on the assumption that syphilis did not harm blacks as seriously as whites. D) conducted by African-American physicians at Tuskegee Institute.   ANSWER […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The text authors assert that “the real problem [during the Great Depre

The text authors assert that “the real problem [during the Great Depression] was not tight credit, but the soft demand for goods.” Explain how a low level of consumer demand produced a deepening and widening economic depression in America. What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Chronic low wages and layoffs produced low consumer […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Which of the following had a significant long-term effect on the socia

Which of the following had a significant long-term effect on the social and economic evolution of the colony of New York? A) the efforts of Dutch colonial governor Peter Stuyvesant to enforce religious uniformity and ban Jews from the colony B) the Dutch recapturing the colony from the British in 1763 C) the great New […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020