Survey Courses

Why did the Hartford Convention meet? What did the delegates intend to

Why did the Hartford Convention meet? What did the delegates intend to accomplish? What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER The delegates hoped to use the war crisis to discredit the Republican party and to restore the Federalist party to national prominence. The convention’s constitutional amendment proposals were all designed to limit the power […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

At the Casablanca conference in 1943, Churchill and Roosevelt agreed t

At the Casablanca conference in 1943, Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to A) make the defeat of Japan, rather than Germany, the Allies’ first priority. B) an immediate, full-scale invasion of North Africa. C) make peace with the Axis only on the basis of unconditional surrender. D) begin the planned invasion of France within six months. […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020