Survey Courses

What did President Washington see as one of his most pressing prioriti

What did President Washington see as one of his most pressing priorities upon being elected and inaugurated as president in 1789? A) persuading Congress to pass all 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights to send to the states for ratification B) creating the executive branch of the federal government C) developing a foreign political […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Compare and contrast Hamilton’s and Jefferson’s visions of the future

Compare and contrast Hamilton’s and Jefferson’s visions of the future economic development of the United States. Which vision do you believe most assured the future economic growth and stability for the country? Answer:   ANSWER An ideal answer will: 1. Compare and contrast Hamilton’s vision of a more complete economy within the United States that […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

When the Soviet Union withdrew its missiles from Cuba in 1962, Preside

When the Soviet Union withdrew its missiles from Cuba in 1962, President Kennedy agreed A) to remove all trade barriers against Cuban imports into the United States. B) not to try to overthrow Castro’s government by invading Cuba. C) to attend a summit meeting with Premier Khrushchev to discuss nuclear disarmament. D) to extend diplomatic […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The phrase “wall of separation between church and state” A) was expli

The phrase “wall of separation between church and state” A) was explicitly written into the First Amendment of the Constitution to guarantee that governments not interfere with the work of churches and churches not interfere with or gain support from government. B) came from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to members of a local […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The Adams-Onà­s Treaty accomplished all of the following EXCEPT A)

The Adams-Onà­s Treaty accomplished all of the following EXCEPT A) Spain ceding Florida to the United States. B) Spain agreed to cede its rights to the Oregon Territory to the United States. C) Spain agreed to cede part of Northern California and the Rocky Mountains to the United States. D) the United States paid $5 […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020