Survey Courses

Compare and contrast the values and customs of Eastern Woodland Indian

Compare and contrast the values and customs of Eastern Woodland Indians with those of fifteenth-century Europeans. Which of these sets of values is most appealing to you? Why? What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Native-American values and customs: cooperation, group loyalty, anti-materialism, matriarchal leadership, decentralized political organization, reverence for nature and the environment, […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

In the so-called “Compromise of 1877,” Republican candidate Rutherford

In the so-called “Compromise of 1877,” Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes agreed to all of the following EXCEPT A) withdrawal of federal enforcement of black voting rights in southern states. B) removal of remaining federal troops from the South. C) federal aid for a transcontinental railroad that would serve the South. D) appointment of a […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

When he asked Congress for a declaration of war in 1917, President Wil

When he asked Congress for a declaration of war in 1917, President Wilson’s ultimate goal was to put the United States in a position to A) become a creditor nation for the first time in its history. B) liberate the colonial holdings of European empires. C) protect its cultural ties with Great Britain and the […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

In 1965, the voting rights of African Americans were assured by both t

In 1965, the voting rights of African Americans were assured by both the Twenty Fourth Amendment that prohibited ________ , and the Voting Rights Act that prohibited ________ . A) white primaries; “grandfather” clauses B) poll taxes; literacy tests C) “grandfather” clauses; white primaries D) literacy tests; poll taxes   ANSWER B

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Date: September 9th, 2020

Those who voted in favor of war in 1812 viewed war with Britain as an

Those who voted in favor of war in 1812 viewed war with Britain as an opportunity to do all of the following EXCEPT A) defend the nation’s honor. B) remove the western Indians from the path of white settlement. C) restore the prosperity of New England shipping. D) expand the nation’s territorial holdings.   ANSWER […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The Neutrality Acts passed by Congress between 1935 and 1937 did NOT

The Neutrality Acts passed by Congress between 1935 and 1937 did NOT A) bar American citizens from travelling on belligerent ships. B) prohibit American ships from entering war zones. C) restrict the sale of American arms to any belligerent to a cash-and-carry basis. D) prohibit the arming of American merchant vessels.   ANSWER C

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Date: September 9th, 2020