Survey Courses

The seventeenth-century Pueblo Indians __________. A) rejected Spanis

The seventeenth-century Pueblo Indians __________. A) rejected Spanish attempts to convert them B) made Christianity one more part of their already complex culture C) rejected their old gods and accepted Christianity as their new religion D) begged the Spaniards to teach them the tenets of Catholicism   ANSWER Answer: B

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Date: September 9th, 2020

What convinced Metacom that he had to go to war against the English?

What convinced Metacom that he had to go to war against the English? A) They forced him to grant them sovereign authority over his homeland. B) They refused to sell him guns. C) They invalidated a series of treaties they had made with him. D) They stationed additional troops in Massachusetts.   ANSWER Answer: A

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Date: September 9th, 2020