Someone who is asked to come on to the property to benefit the property owner, such as customers at a store or a garbage collector, is classified as a(n) A) trespasser. B) resident agent. C) invitee. D) licensee. ANSWER Answer: C
One tort reform proposal is capping noneconomic damages. Noneconomic damages include A) payment for time missed from work. B) payment for the cost of a hospital stay. C) payment for pain and suffering. D) payment for the cost of care provided by a physical therapist. ANSWER Answer: C
Under a dram shop law, a business may be held liable for damages resulting from A) the sale of alcohol. B) the creation of an unsafe work place. C) the sale of prescription drugs. D) the creation of a hostile work environment. ANSWER Answer: A
Which of the following is the most important goal that a corporation should strive for? A) maximize market share B) maximize revenue C) maximize shareholder wealth D) maximize current profits ANSWER C
Documents uncovered after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska revealed that Exxon could have used double-hulled oil tankers that would have prevented the spill, but the cost of refitting their fleet of single-hulled tankers was considered too high . Exxon determined that the cost of cleaning up an oil spill would be less than […]
Malcolm was involved in an auto accident. He was judged to be 20 percent at fault in the accident, and the other party was judged to be 80 percent at fault. Malcolm’s actual damages were $40,000. Under a pure comparative negligence rule, how much will Malcolm receive for his injuries? A) $8,000 B) $24,000 C) […]
Liability may arise because of a method of collecting oil or natural gas. Under this collection method, a high-pressure flow of fluid is injected underground. This collection method is called A) clear cutting. B) flow mining. C) hydraulic fracturing. D) slurry mining. ANSWER Answer: C
In the context of medical malpractice, what is a “never event”? A) A medical condition that despite the best screening and technology cannot be detected. B) A pandemic that quickly spreads and infects many people. C) A medical error that should never occur. D) An event for which doctors and medical facilities cannot be held […]
Organized stock exchanges provide the benefits of a continuous market, fair security pricing, and helping businesses raise new capital. Indicate whether the statement is true or false ANSWER TRUE
Compensatory damages include A) general damages and special damages. B) special damages and punitive damages. C) punitive damages and general damages. D) general damages, special damages, and punitive damages. ANSWER Answer: A