
CompuFix services desktop and laptop computers. The owner of CompuFix

CompuFix services desktop and laptop computers. The owner of CompuFix is concerned that computers that are left with the business to be repaired may be damaged or destroyed. To address this risk, CompuFix should purchase A) mobile equipment and property insurance. B) coverage for property held by bailees. C) coverage for property of dealers—a “block” […]

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Date: September 19th, 2020

Your firm’s sales are estimated to increase by 10% in the next year. H

Your firm’s sales are estimated to increase by 10% in the next year. However, soon after the beginning of the year it becomes apparent that the growth in sales is more likely to be 20%. If your cost of good sold consists of only variable expenses, and the relationship between revenues and costs remain the […]

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Date: September 19th, 2020

A navigation error caused a cargo ship to run aground on a reef. The s

A navigation error caused a cargo ship to run aground on a reef. The ship, valued at $1.5 million, was carrying $1.5 million in grain and $1.5 in electronic devices. The ship sustained a $150,000 physical damage loss. If this loss is a “particular average” loss, how will the loss be settled? A) The owners […]

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Date: September 19th, 2020