In its absolute version, purchasing power parity states that price levels worldwide should be ________ when expressed in a common currency. A) equal B) roughly equal C) different D) opportunities for arbitrage ANSWER Answer: A
When is a currency said to be overvalued? A) when its internal purchasing power is greater than its external purchasing power B) when its external purchasing power is greater than its internal purchasing power C) when its external purchasing power is less than its internal purchasing power D) when its internal purchasing power is equal […]
All of the following options are some of the factors that cause deviations from absolute PPP EXCEPT: A) transaction costs. B) non-traded goods. C) balance of payments. D) changes in relative prices. ANSWER Answer: A
To be truly marketable, a security must ________. A) be highly rated by a credit rating agency B) have the characteristics of a callable bond C) be readily convertible into cash D) have a maturity of 10 years or more ANSWER C
________ are obligations of the U.S. Treasury with common maturities of 91 to 182 days and that have a strong secondary market. A) Treasury notes B) Treasury bills C) Federal agency issues D) Banker’s acceptances ANSWER B
A ________ is a telegraphic communication that, via bookkeeping entries, removes funds from the payer’s bank and deposits them in an account of the payee’s bank. A) direct send B) wire transfer C) depository transfer check D) preauthorized check ANSWER B
In the absence of pure competition, firms who segment markets may be able to charge different prices in different countries for the same good. This practice is known as ________. A) mark to market B) interest rate arbitrage C) pricing to market D) speculation ANSWER Answer: C
The version of purchasing power parity that states the exchange rates will adjust to equalize the internal and external purchasing power of a currency is known as the ________. A) relative purchasing power parity B) equilibrium purchasing power parity C) absolute purchasing power parity D) real exchange rate equilibrium ANSWER Answer: C
Within Germany, what is the name for the power of a U.S. dollar when it is used to purchase an amount of goods and services? A) internal purchasing power B) external purchasing power C) absolute purchasing power parity D) relative purchasing power parity ANSWER Answer: B
The theory of relative purchasing power parity states that, between two nations, the ________. A) inflation rates are unrelated B) exchange rate differential reflects the inflation rate differential C) inflation rate is smaller in weaker currencies D) the interest rate is greater than the inflation rate during depreciations ANSWER Answer: B