_____ prefer an import tax to a quota. a. Taxpayers b. Domestic prod
_____ prefer an import tax to a quota. a. Taxpayers b. Domestic producers c. Foreign producers d. Consumers ANSWER a
Date: September 9th, 2020
_____ prefer an import tax to a quota. a. Taxpayers b. Domestic producers c. Foreign producers d. Consumers ANSWER a
Date: September 9th, 2020
Government clean up toxic waste sites is _____. a. justified on public good grounds b. justified on externality grounds c. justified on equity grounds d. justified on technical monopoly grounds ANSWER a
Date: September 9th, 2020
By 1900, _____ states had a state board of health. a. 17 b. 32 c. 37 d. all ANSWER d
Date: September 9th, 2020
The _____ allows voters to vote on a series of marginally smaller quantities of a good. a. committee version of the medium voter model b. representative democracy version of the medium voter model c. referendum version of the medium voter model d. cyclical majority ANSWER c
Date: September 9th, 2020
Which of the following is not a user charge? a. An entry fee to a national park. b. A toll for a toll road. c. A bus fare for a municipal bus service. d. A flat monthly fee for municipal water service. ANSWER d
Date: September 9th, 2020
In the 1800s, public health boards were primarily concerned with _____. a. sanitary conditions in frontier areas b. sanitary conditions in large cities c. establishing public hospitals d. regulating private hospitals ANSWER b
Date: September 9th, 2020
If voters prefer alternatives closer to their most preferred outcome to alternatives farther away from their most preferred outcome, we can say that voters have _____. a. single-peaked preferences b. double-peaked preferences c. rational preferences d. irrational preferences ANSWER a
Date: September 9th, 2020
Since so many people lived in river towns during the nineteenth century, public health board were primarily concerned with _____. a. preventing drowning b. keeping the water supply uncontaminated c. food quality on steamboats d. inspecting food brought into local ports ANSWER b
Date: September 9th, 2020
Tariffs are frequently used in less-developed countries because _____. a. the governments need more revenue b. the governments want to encourage exports c. the governments find it easier to monitor border transactions than interior transactions d. the governments prefer to tax goods over services ANSWER c
Date: September 9th, 2020
When applied to committees, the median voter model concludes that _____. a. becomes irrelevant as committees will be unable to select a clear outcome b. the committee selects the outcome preferred by the median voter c. when preferences are double peaked, the committee meets the demand of the median voter d. a cyclical majority will […]
Date: September 9th, 2020