
Suppose two people start with an initial endowment and trade until the

Suppose two people start with an initial endowment and trade until they obtain a Pareto-efficient allocation with the corresponding price line. What happens when more people who have the same tastes and endowments as the original two traders are included in the Edgeworth box analysis? A) The price line does not change. B) The price […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The so-called “death tax” might A) aim to alter endowments so as to a

The so-called “death tax” might A) aim to alter endowments so as to attain an inefficient outcome. B) aim to alter endowments consistent with the First Theorem of Welfare Economics. C) aim to alter endowments consistent with the Second Theorem of Welfare Economics. D) aim to alter prices consistent with the First Theorem of Welfare […]

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Date: September 9th, 2020

The First Theorem of Welfare Economics can be expressed as A) the com

The First Theorem of Welfare Economics can be expressed as A) the competitive equilibrium results only when no transactions costs exist. B) the competitive equilibrium does not involve reallocation of endowments. C) any efficient allocations can be achieved by competition. D) the competitive equilibrium is efficient.   ANSWER D  

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Date: September 9th, 2020