The region that was using mechanized harvesting equipment before the Civil War was (a) the Northeast. (b) the South. (c) the West. (d) the Far West. ANSWER (b)
The “Crime of ‘73” did not stop the Federal Treasury from buying massive amounts of silver at above-market prices before 1900. Indicate whether the statement is true or false ANSWER TRUE
The Greenbackers may be characterized fairly as inflationists. Indicate whether the statement is true or false ANSWER TRUE
By 1860, (a) less than one-third of Southern farmers owned slaves. (b) most of the workers on Northern farmers were hired laborers. (c) immigrants supplied a significant amount of labor to Northern and Southern farmers. (d) all of the above. ANSWER (d)
The Greenbackers’ demand to back the greenback issues with gold reserves was not practical in the late 1860s. Indicate whether the statement is true or false ANSWER FALSE
The economics of slavery suggests that (a) slave labor produced efficiencies in Southern agriculture. (b) slave owners possessed economic incentives to beat and exploit their slaves. (c) Southern agriculture was less profitable than northern farming. (d) Southern agriculture was just and moral. ANSWER (a)
The statistical details on the U.S. balance of international payments between 1790 and 1860 help economic historians determine (a) what the U.S. sold domestically. (b) how other countries paid for their own domestic goods and services. (c) how the U.S. paid other countries for their exports. (d) changes in domestic trade patterns. ANSWER (c)
The panic of 1893 was caused by the Sherman Silver Act of 1890, which doubled the Treasury’s monthly purchase rates to 4. 5 million ounces of silver at current market prices and was eased when President Cleveland called for the Act’s repeal on June 30, 1893. Indicate whether the statement is true or false […]
The need to issue paper money increased with the frequent use of checks. Indicate whether the statement is true or false ANSWER FALSE
In 1860, earnings from cotton exports (a) were minimal. (b) accounted for a small percentage of Gross Domestic Product. (c) exceeded the total revenue of the U.S. government by four-fold. (d) were what attracted the majority of agriculturalists into cotton production. ANSWER (c)