
The appearance of “classical American capitalism” in the middle and la

The appearance of “classical American capitalism” in the middle and late 19th century includes all of the following except (a) An industrial labor force concentrated in manufacturing centers (b) The commercialization of agriculture and extractive industries (c) The rise of big-time finance and giant transportation systems (d) The strengthening of small scale family farm enterprises […]

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Date: September 10th, 2020

The U.S. government is an asset to the U.S. economy when it (a) effec

The U.S. government is an asset to the U.S. economy when it (a) effectively serves its role as the agent that defines and protects private property rights. (b) taxes one group of individuals and redistributes that taxed income to another group. (c) permits special groups to secure legislative protection from foreign competition in the industries […]

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Date: September 10th, 2020

If the Federal Reserve were to simultaneously sell government bonds in

If the Federal Reserve were to simultaneously sell government bonds in the open market and decrease the discount rate, the a. money supply will increase. b. money supply will decline. c. money stock will stay the same. d. two tools will work in opposite directions and the effect on the money supply is uncertain.   […]

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Date: September 10th, 2020

With regard to the American Revolution, research suggests that (a) it

With regard to the American Revolution, research suggests that (a) it was not waged against the law but against a particular alien authority. (b) all contracts, respecting property, remained basically unchanged. (c) the basic ideas established in the colonial era remained untouched by the Revolution, apart from the abolition of primogeniture and perpetual entailment. (d) […]

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Date: September 10th, 2020