
How do banks and financial intermediation support economic growth and

How do banks and financial intermediation support economic growth and development? (a) By helping businesses secure the funds needed for capital accumulation and technology advancements (b) By assisting customers in buying durable and nondurable goods and services (c) By financing government expenditures when tax revenue falls below planned spending (d) By granting loans to foreign-born […]

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Date: September 10th, 2020

Under the bimetallic system, when did the U.S. experience a depletion

Under the bimetallic system, when did the U.S. experience a depletion in its reserve species? (a) When imports exceeded exports (b) When exports exceeded imports (c) When the U.S. closed its borders to all international trade (d) When the trading partners of the U.S. refused all U.S. imports   ANSWER (a)

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Date: September 10th, 2020

Prior to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System (1913), reser

Prior to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System (1913), reserve requirements (a) limited the banks’ ability to lend. (b) did not restrict the amount of paper-money issued by banks. (c) freed banks to create as much money as the market could bear without regard for risk and withdrawal rates. (d) forced banks to place […]

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Date: September 10th, 2020