
A political union addresses the issue of how to make a coordinating bu

QUESTION A political union addresses the issue of how to make a coordinating bureaucracy accountable to the citizens of member nations of an economic union. Indicate whether the statement is true or false.   ANSWER TRUE The move toward economic union raises the issue of how to make a coordinating bureaucracy accountable to the citizens […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

The emphasis of the European Free Trade Association has been on free t

QUESTION The emphasis of the European Free Trade Association has been on free trade in consumer goods. Indicate whether the statement is true or false.   ANSWER FALSE The emphasis of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) has been on free trade in industrial goods. Agriculture was left out of the arrangement, each member being […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

In a customs union, a common currency is adopted. Indicate whether th

QUESTION In a customs union, a common currency is adopted. Indicate whether the statement is true or false.   ANSWER FALSE A customs union eliminates trade barriers between member countries and adopts a common external trade policy. Establishment of a common external trade policy necessitates significant administrative machinery to oversee trade relations with nonmembers. It […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Economic theories suggest that free trade and investment is a positive

QUESTION Economic theories suggest that free trade and investment is a positive-sum game, in which all participating countries stand to gain. Indicate whether the statement is true or false.   ANSWER TRUE Economic theories of international trade predict that unrestricted free trade will allow countries to specialize in the production of goods and services that […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

In terms of regional economic integration, linking neighboring economi

QUESTION In terms of regional economic integration, linking neighboring economies and making them increasingly dependent on each other create incentives for political cooperation between the neighboring states. Indicate whether the statement is true or false.   ANSWER TRUE The political case for regional economic integration also has loomed large in several attempts to establish free […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Some economists have pointed out that the benefits of regional integra

QUESTION Some economists have pointed out that the benefits of regional integration are determined by the extent of trade diversion, as opposed to trade creation. Indicate whether the statement is true or false.   ANSWER FALSE Some economists have expressed concern that the benefits of regional integration have been oversold, while the costs have often […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Trade creation occurs when lower-cost external suppliers are replaced

QUESTION Trade creation occurs when lower-cost external suppliers are replaced by higher-cost suppliers within the free trade area. Indicate whether the statement is true or false.   ANSWER FALSE Trade creation occurs when high-cost domestic producers are replaced by low-cost producers within the free trade area. It may also occur when higher-cost external producers are […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020