QUESTION Which of the following is NOT an example of synthetic transformation? A) removing salt from seawater in a desalination process B) melting copper and tin together to make bronze C) mixing wood pulp, water, and chemicals to make paper D) stirring chocolate into milk E) spinning sugar and dye into cotton candy ANSWER […]
QUESTION Which of the following is NOT an example of mass production? A) stocking the hotel fridge with the guests’ favorite beverage B) constructing build-in-place tree houses C) running three different types of vehicles on the same assembly line D) making pants in a variety of sizes by machine E) making several varieties of ice […]
QUESTION Which product was produced using an intermittent production process? A) chemical production B) oil refining C) Mrs. Fields’ cookies D) Oroweat whole wheat bread E) hydroelectric power ANSWER Answer: C Explanation: C) Mrs. Fields’ cookies are made in batches at any number of Mrs. Fields’ cookie stands.
QUESTION What is “time to market”? A) how long it takes from when a product is designed until it is made in a factory B) how long it takes from when a product is made until it is in a distribution warehouse C) how long it takes from when a product is made until it […]
QUESTION Which of the following is an example of mechanization? A) performing mass customization B) using an assembly line C) interchangeable bicycle parts D) the hand saw E) the electric mixer ANSWER Answer: E Explanation: E) Mechanization is using machines to do the work formerly performed by people. Before the invention of the electric […]
QUESTION Which of the significant technology changes that improved efficiency in production is described as “using machines to replace labor”? A) mechanization B) standardization C) assembly line D) continuous production E) mass production ANSWER Answer: A Explanation: A) Mechanization is the use of machines to do the work formerly performed by people.
QUESTION Darcy has a pie shop. She makes fruit pies, cream pies, chocolate pies, pecan pies, even peppermint pies. She mixes the ingredients in small batches, and when one batch is baking, she cleans the mixer, bowls, and spoons and then mixes another kind of pie filling or dough. Darcy and her employees work around […]
QUESTION Leonard runs a small brownie and cookie shop. For the first several years of operation, Leonard and his employees mixed all the batter by hand. Recently, Leonard bought two mixers to take care of mixing the batter. Leonard’s addition of the mixers is an example of which of the following? A) automation B) mass […]
QUESTION Which of the following is an example of standardization? A) mass production B) use of the assembly line C) interchangeable television parts D) sized clothing E) use of robots to perform surgery ANSWER Answer: C Explanation: C) Standardization is the use of uniform parts that could be easily interchanged with similar parts.
QUESTION Which of the following is an application of mechanization? A) In the early 1800s, the Fourdrinier paper machine came into use. This machine made paper in continuous sheets that were later cut into single sheets. Before the invention of this machine, paper was made by the individual sheet. B) Henry Ford’s moving assembly line […]