
Which type of facility layout is correctly matched to its description?

QUESTION Which type of facility layout is correctly matched to its description? A) process layout: work grouped by function B) process layout: equipment and labor transported to production site C) product layout: the assembly line arrangement D) fixed position layout: work grouped by function E) fixed-position layout: the assembly line arrangement   ANSWER Answer: C […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Which of the following is most likely to be handled by product layout?

QUESTION Which of the following is most likely to be handled by product layout? A) moving people through airport security B) the building of a bridge C) treating patients in an emergency room D) the bottling and labeling of soft drinks E) the building of a hotel   ANSWER Answer: D Explanation: D) The bottling […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Which of the following is most likely to be handled by process layout?

QUESTION Which of the following is most likely to be handled by process layout? A) building a tunnel B) diagnosing and treating injuries C) repairing an old barn D) milking cows E) picking coffee beans   ANSWER Answer: B Explanation: B) Diagnosis of injury might involve an x-ray machine; treatment might involve surgery or casting […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

What is the most likely reason why a company would operate a small-app

QUESTION What is the most likely reason why a company would operate a small-appliance warehouse in Nevada? A) tax relief and local government support B) nearness to customers C) nearness to suppliers D) quality of life E) highly skilled labor   ANSWER Answer: A Explanation: A) Nevada has no warehouse tax, which makes that state […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Which of the following is most likely to be handled by fixed-position

QUESTION Which of the following is most likely to be handled by fixed-position layout? A) farming carrots B) packaging spaghetti noodles C) doing body shop work D) renovating a house E) redecorating a hotel   ANSWER Answer: A Explanation: A) In a fixed-position layout, materials, equipment, and labor are transported to one location. Carrot seeds […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Which significant technology change in the following pairs is matched

QUESTION Which significant technology change in the following pairs is matched with its correct description? A) mass production: using uniform parts B) automation: production of great quantities C) assembly line: series of specific tasks D) standardization: minimal human intervention E) mechanization: production of great quantities   ANSWER Answer: C Explanation: C) The assembly line consists […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

In the early days of manufacturing, each part of each manufactured ite

QUESTION In the early days of manufacturing, each part of each manufactured item was made specifically for that item. Even in times of war, every broken part of a musket had to be retooled by hand to fit that musket. By the time the U.S. Civil War took place, however, guns were manufactured with interchangeable […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Frederika owns a small skateboard manufacturing plant. For a long tim

QUESTION Frederika owns a small skateboard manufacturing plant. For a long time, skateboards were painted, then they moved to a room where the front wheels were attached, then they went back to the painting room to be varnished, then they went back to the wheel room to have the rear wheels applied. Now the painting […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Which of the following is NOT an example of analytic transformation?

QUESTION Which of the following is NOT an example of analytic transformation? A) cutting wood into floor boards B) butchering a cow into cuts of meat C) breaking down yard and food waste into compost D) mixing gravel, sand, cement, and water into concrete E) boiling maple sap into maple syrup   ANSWER Answer: D […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Nissan has a factory in which pickup trucks, minivans, and sport utili

QUESTION Nissan has a factory in which pickup trucks, minivans, and sport utility vehicles can all be sent down the same assembly line. Robotic welding machines and painting machines can be programmed to work on one type of vehicle after another without interruption. What kind of manufacturing does this represent? A) computer-aided manufacturing B) computer-integrated […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020