
Suppose that Oak Meteors institutes a Super Bonus program that provide

QUESTION Suppose that Oak Meteors institutes a Super Bonus program that provides a large cash award for the business developer with the greatest year-to-year increase in revenue. A manager claims that this would encourage business developers to do poorly in one year in order to make it easier to do much better in the subsequent […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Compared to many other motivational theories, what is a key difference

QUESTION Compared to many other motivational theories, what is a key difference underlying equity theory? What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Answer: Many motivational theories are grounded in management’s desire and methods to improve work performance among employees. Equity theory is grounded in the employees’ perceptions regarding the fairness of their work experience. […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Equity theory is centered on employees’ perceptions about whether they

QUESTION Equity theory is centered on employees’ perceptions about whether they are being paid fairly for the work they perform. What are the three key elements of this theory? What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Answer: The key elements of equity theory are contributions (or inputs), returns (or outputs), and comparisons. Explanation: In […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

On weekends at Dante’s burger shop, the line at the drive-up window ba

QUESTION On weekends at Dante’s burger shop, the line at the drive-up window backs up into the street because his teen staff is unfocused and inefficient. He tried to apply goal-setting theory, giving staff a pep talk and saying, “I need you guys to do better,” but the last two weekends, nothing changed. Why? What […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

How are work-life benefits for employees considered more than a reward

QUESTION How are work-life benefits for employees considered more than a reward for top performers? What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Answer: Some employees are less productive at work due to everyday challenges in their home life. Work-life balance benefits can help these “underperforming” employees be more effective at work. Explanation: Employees who […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Why are expressions of “mass praise” to employees less effective? Wha

QUESTION Why are expressions of “mass praise” to employees less effective? What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Answer: If everyone is acknowledged, then no employee feels special. The point of praising an employee is to help him or her feel acknowledged—and to motivate the employee. Explanation: The point of praising an employee is […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

It is said that as people enter middle age, the focus in their careers

QUESTION It is said that as people enter middle age, the focus in their careers shifts from making money to making meaning. What type of reward gains more value for them, and how? What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Answer: Intrinsic rewards have more value to middle-aged workers. The satisfaction that comes from […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Describe scientific management and give an example of where the princi

QUESTION Describe scientific management and give an example of where the principle can still be applied in the contemporary workplace. What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Answer: Scientific management conducted time-motion studies of workers as they performed their jobs to improve the productivity of individual workers. This can be applied in manual-task jobs […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Why have psychological motivational theories become more prevalent tha

QUESTION Why have psychological motivational theories become more prevalent than scientific management in the modern business world? What will be an ideal response?   ANSWER Answer: Most of today’s jobs require more intellectual capacity and less manual labor. Increasing the productivity of workers with intellectual responsibilities is better achieved by understanding them psychologically and motivating […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020

Marianne believes that it’s important to work with her employees to se

QUESTION Marianne believes that it’s important to work with her employees to set goals that motivate them to perform effectively. What theory does she subscribe to? A) equity theory B) Theory Z C) expectancy theory D) management by objectives E) reinforcement theory   ANSWER Answer: D Explanation: D) As part of the management-by-objective process, an […]

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Date: September 3rd, 2020