
Be careful not to overstate generalizations or essentialist

QUESTION Hi for the last essay you wrote for me, this was the graded response from my professor:COMMENTSFeedback to Learner11/10/15 8:05 PM- Intro is a bit too long- You don’t need a second heading once you have a cover page- Be careful not to overstate generalizations or essentialist understandings of religious traditions (be mindful of […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Web Design-Write a project in visual basic to design a suitable

QUESTION Write a project in visual basic to design a suitable form to allow the usesto enter name of sales representative and sales amount and then calculateand display commission. Commission is 7% of sales amount if salesamount exceed Ringgits 60000 otherwise it is 5% tax @ 1% is to bededucted on commission obtained   ANSWER: […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

GEL 111- CHAPTER 14 – Shorelines and Beach Processes

QUESTION GEL 111- CHAPTER 14 – Shorelines and Beach Processes OBJECTIVES & QUESTIONS Objective Questions: The following are some questions/objectives you should be asking yourself as you read through the chapter. You do not have to submit these questions for credit: What processes affect shorelines? What causes tides? How many high and low tides are […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Web Design-how do you define “statistics” in business

QUESTION how do you define “statistics” in business ? what are different types and levels of statistics ? what role does statistics play in business decision making? what are 3 examples which statistics are used ?   ANSWER: REQUEST HELP FROM A TUTOR

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

the Learning Activities, including the TED Talks on generating ideas

QUESTION After reviewing the Learning Activities, including the TED Talks on generating ideas, begin developing ideas for creating change in your community or workplace and sharing them on the Discussion Board. Your detailed ideas should be related to an issue or problem that interests you in the community or workplace. You are welcome to share […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

HW#5 Interpreting Plate Tectonics from Topography and Rock Samples

QUESTION HW#5 Interpreting Plate Tectonics from Topography and Rock SamplesApplying your knowledge of boundaries to identify plate boundaries of two unknown continents.In this homework we are going to apply what we are discussing in class about the characteristics of plateboundaries (e.g. topography, earthquakes, tectonic activity, etc), the processes at these plateboundaries, and the rocks that […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Web Design- Your software development company has been contracted

QUESTION 1) Your software development company has been contracted to build a tool that will manage user accounts and rights in an Active Directory environment. One of your developers tells you that he wants the tool to make use of direct manipulation. A second developer argues that a command line structure would be a better […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Wuthering Heights and “Fortress Around Your Heart

QUESTION Wuthering Heights and “Fortress Around Your Heart”1. At the beginning of the poem, what is the condition of the “city”?2. After leaving the “city,” what stops the man from returning to it?3. What figures of speech and images does Sting use as metaphors fordestroyed love?4. What is the connotation of the word “fortress” in […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020