
The special thermal properties of water affect the hydrologic cycle

QUESTION The special thermal properties of water affect the hydrologic cycle and global warming. For instance, the presence of the winter polar ice cap slows the springtime heating of the Arctic Ocean. Here’s an experiment to illustrate this:Beaker A contains 1 gram of water at 0oC. Beaker B contains 1 gram of ice at 0oC. […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Complete the table below by using the Projectile Simulator

QUESTION Complete the table below by using the Projectile Simulator to determine the escape velocities for the following objects. Since the masses and radii are given in terms of the Earth’s, you can easily check your values by using the mathematical formula for escape velocity.ObjectMass(Mearth)Radius(Rearth)vesc(km/s)vesc (km/s) calculation(optional)Mercury0.0550.38Uranus154.0Io0.0150.30Vesta0.000050.083Krypton10010   ANSWER: REQUEST HELP FROM A TUTOR

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

CH is a sixty-three-year-old man who has had emphysema

QUESTION CH is a sixty-three-year-old man who has had emphysema problems for many years. History: He smoked for twenty years before quitting. The nurse meets CH for the first time. In performing a physical assessment, the healthcare provider would expect CH to have a “barrel” configuration to the chest. What is the underlying pathological process […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

A 16.0 kg block is pulled at a constant speed on the table

QUESTION A 16.0 kg block is pulled at a constant speed on the table surface by a horizontal cord with a tension of 30.0N. It was noticed that it initially required a tension of 35.0N just to get the block started moving.a. draw a free body diagram to show this situation.b. how large is the […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020