
MATH114N Week 1 Discussion Latest November

QUESTION Let’s look more closely at the greatest common factor (GCF) of a problem. Apply your knowledge of GCFs (13.1) to simplify a problem presented by a classmate. You will need to factor the problem and post your simplified expression. Then, post another example for someone else to simplify. I will start the discussion with […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Devry HRM340 Week 1,2,3& 4 Discussion DQ1 & DQ2 Latest 2015 November

QUESTION Devry HRM340 Week 1 Discussion DQ1 & DQ2 Latest 2015 November DQ 1 This course focuses on the strategic value that technology has brought to HR and the business. As a result, HR is a strategic partner in companies. How, specifically, has technology created this strategic partnership? Share an example. What values have resulted […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Knowledge Management concerns

QUESTION Knowledge Management concerns itself with…a.long-term planning and decision makingc.corporate learningd.the capture and dissemination of an organization’s intellectual property   ANSWER: REQUEST HELP FROM A TUTOR

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

What, if anything, makes this city vulnerable with regard to climate

QUESTION Consider the following quote from Resilient Cities: Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change: “Resilience can be applied to cities. They too need to last, to respond to crisis and adapt in a way that may cause them to change and grow differently; cities require an inner strength, a resolve, as well as a […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Assess the value of dynamic strategic thinking, particularly

QUESTION Assess the value of dynamic strategic thinking, particularly in the health care environment. Speculate on the most significant potential consequences should a health care organization neglect to think strategically. Give at least one (1) specific example of the constant changes that keep health care organizations seeking new strategies continually.Analyze the importance of having a […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

accounting-Topper Sports, Inc. produces high quality sports equipment

QUESTION Topper Sports, Inc. produces high quality sports equipment. The company’s Racket Division manufactures three tennis rackets- the Student, the Deluxe, and the Pro- that are widely used in amateur day. Selected information on the rackets is given below:StandardSelling Price per racket: $43.00Variable Expenses per racket:Production: $17.20Selling (5% of selling price): $2.15DeluxeSelling Price per Racket: […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Business-to-Business Marketing Analysis and Practice

QUESTION Business-to-business marketing class.Textbook info:Business-to-Business Marketing Analysis and PracticeRobert P. Vitale, Waldemar Pfoertsch, and Joseph GiglieranoPrentice Hall, 2011, Hardcover, 512 pagesISBN: 9780136058281Case Study III: Dow Corning Success in China page 4421) How should Dow Corning make good use of its two brands to grasp the China market to sustain its long-term growth?2) If the target […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Society often expects a lot from business

QUESTION Society often expects a lot from business. Do you think that it is possible to balance profit and other business objectives with the goals and desires of society? Why or why not?Min 250 words with references   ANSWER: REQUEST HELP FROM A TUTOR

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Watch the PBS documentary about how the South rationally and successfully

QUESTION Watch the PBS documentary about how the South rationally and successfully solved the labor problem after the Civil War, using convict leasing, peonage, and tenant farming. Write a short essay reflecting on those labor practices . Be sure to demonstrate in your essay that you actually watched the video.Write a 500 word essay: what […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020