
Compare andcontrastVygotsky’s theory of Social

QUESTION Compare andcontrastVygotsky’s theory of Social Development Theory and Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory. In what way(s) are they similar and in what ways are they different from each other?   ANSWER: REQUEST HELP FROM A TUTOR

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Describe the formula for elasticity of demand for labor

QUESTION O. Describe the formula for elasticity of demand for labor as well as the significance of elastic versus inelastic findings. How does this compare with the elasticity of labor supply?P. What is the labor-leisure trade-off? On figure 8.5, describe the differences in Point A, B, and C.- See attachment for image.Q. What is Return […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

As you know the classical school of economic thought believes

QUESTION As you know the classical school of economic thought believes that the economy is self-regulating and should be left alone to adjust naturally. Keynesian’s, on the other hand, believe that the economy is inherently unstable and must be managed and planned. Which side do you agree with and why?   ANSWER: REQUEST HELP FROM […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Based on current data, make an argument for the state of the economy

QUESTION Based on current data, make an argument for the state of the economy. Are we in a recessionary or inflationary gap? Neither? Are we in a deep recession? Are we in a large inflationary gap? If we are in neither, what direction (recession or inflation) is the economy headed in your opinion?   ANSWER: […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

When patent protection expires for a pharmaceutical company

QUESTION When patent protection expires for a pharmaceutical company, it forces changes within the company to adjust its business strategies from a monopolist position to a position that is much more competitive. With that premise, answer the following questions:Do the variable costs and marginal costs vary much between these two market positions for a specific […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Managerial Economics III. Data and Methodology Describe you data in detail

QUESTION Managerial EconomicsIII. Data and MethodologyDescribe you data in detail (source of the data; definition of the variables; data transformation, if any).Describe the regression methods in detail.IV. Empirical ResultsProvide the results using tables.Interpret your results (what do they mean? are they expected?).Attachment Includes the regression analysis   ANSWER: REQUEST HELP FROM A TUTOR

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Based on the best available econometric estimates

QUESTION 1. Based on the best available econometric estimates, the market elasticity of demand for your firm’s product is -2.5. The marginal cost of producing the product is constant at $100, while average total cost at current production levels is $175. Determine your optimal per unit price if: Instruction:Round your answers to two decimal places. […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Problem 1: Keith Hernandez’ Brownstone

QUESTION ŵŵŴ ‡Â‡”ƒŽ Š›•‹…•šƒÂ‹Âƒ–‹‘Š—”•†ƒ› ‘˜‡Â„‡” ŵŹ ŶŴŵŶPlease answer the question in the space provided below. Partial credit will begiven to incomplete or incorrect final answers. Each question is worth 25points.Problem 1: Keith Hernandez’ BrownstoneYou are asked to help a new friend move out into his new house despite thefact that you have only known him […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020

Devry NR443 Week 4 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015 November

QUESTION DQ 1As the school nurse role evolves, there are increasingly more health concerns for the school nurse. Does the locale make a difference in the problems, or are health problems in children and adolescents universal? In some inner-city areas, violence is a prevalent issue. What do you think are the biggest problems in your […]

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Date: September 2nd, 2020