Which of the following has shown a significant increase in usage among young people during the past five years? a. Use of marijuana b. Use of cigarettes c. Use of smokeless tobacco d. Use of alcohol ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: A One positive development is that teen use of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco has declined. […]
Which of the following is one of the most frequent health complaints of school-aged children? a. Anxiety over grades b. Dental caries c. Headaches in response to stress d. Stomachaches ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: B One of the most frequent complaints of school-aged children is dental caries. Causes include poor oral hygiene, lack of fluoridated […]
Which of the following medications can a school nurse expect to most frequently administer? a. Analgesics and antipyretics b. Antibiotics c. Antitussives d. Anticonvulsants e. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: E Medications used to treat ADHD are the most commonly administered. Medications commonly given in schools include analgesics and antipyretics, antacids, […]
A rape victim says to the nurse, “He said he loved me; he had been so nice; he said he wanted to show me how much he loved me. And then he….” Which of the following is the most appropriate response by the nurse? a. “Anyone can lose control; I’m sure he’ll never do it […]
Who should create a disaster plan including emergency supplies and where to meet in case of an emergency? a. All families b. All government officials c. All public health employees d. Members of Congress and the Supreme Court ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: A The American Red Cross publishes many pamphlets and educational materials to help […]
When would the National Guard become involved in a disaster? a. When the Federal Emergency Management Agency requests such assistance b. When the local government requests help keeping order in the community c. When the president has declared the area a national disaster d. When the state has been asked to help an overwhelmed community […]
Which of the following health problems has been reduced in school-aged and adolescent children? a. Chronic diseases (such as asthma or diabetes) b. Contagious diseases c. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) d. Stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis) ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: B Vaccine-preventable deaths (VPD) are at or near record-low levels. According to the Centers for Disease […]
A female student is at a fraternity party where alcohol is flowing freely, the music is loud, and people are dancing and talking. Most people seem to be having a great time. What action should the student take, if anything, A female student is at a fraternity party where alcohol is flowing freely, the music […]
Which of the following drugs is being widely manufactured within the United States? a. Cocaine b. Heroin c. Marijuana d. Methamphetamine ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: D Marijuana is grown, not manufactured. Methamphetamine is easily made from the fertilizer anhydrous ammonia. Cocaine and heroin are grown elsewhere and smuggled into the United States.
Which of the following best describes the mission of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? a. To consolidate all existing agencies, groups, and organizations into a single department b. To distribute federal financial aid to disaster-stricken areas c. To enable appropriate response to assist a state having a disaster d. To protect against and […]