Which of the following best describes what proportion of children live in a single-parent family? a. Fewer than 10% b. 11%-15% c. 16%-20% d. 21%-26% e. More than 30% ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: E In 2012, 34% of all U.S. children lived in single-parent homes.
Which of the following events caused attention that has resulted in the current emphasis on women’s health? a. Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin’s comments during the presidential race b. Political correctness, including addressing the rights of women c. New research studies that are focusing on women d. Women’s movement from the 1970s ESSAYBID ANSWER […]
Which of the following is the most useful way to discuss aging? a. By divisions—young-old, middle-old, old-old, and elite-old b. Chronological age c. Functional age d. Number of chronic comorbidities ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: C Functional age refers to functioning and the ability to perform activities of daily living, such as bathing and grooming, and […]
Which of the following is the most common cause of death among women after age 75? a. Accidents and unintentional injuries b. Cancer c. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) d. Diabetes and its complications ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: C About one in four Americans has one or more forms of CVD. One in ten women under age […]
Which gender has higher morbidity rates with a higher prevalence of chronic diseases that cause disability and limitation of activities? a. Females b. Males c. No difference between genders in chronic health problems d. Prevalence of chronic diseases varies strongly by individuals more than gender. ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: A A chronic condition is a […]
A nurse has recently learned of the death of a 22-year-old female friend. Which of the following would be the most likely cause of death? a. Complications of childbirth b. Accident or unintentional injury c. Cancer d. Cardiovascular disease ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: B In the adolescent to early adulthood years, the leading cause of […]
A nurse was teaching a class on good hygiene at a local day care center when one child volunteered, “I have two mommies.” Which of the following would be the most appropriate response by the nurse? a. “Don’t tell anyone; that’s a secret.” b. “That’s nice—why did you share that?” c. “Yes, some children have […]
Which gender perceives and reports having better health? a. Females b. Males c. No difference between genders in perceived health status d. Perceived health status varies strongly by individuals more than gender. ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: B Despite the differences in mortality rates, men tend to perceive themselves to be in better health than women. […]
Which of the following is an example of a nonstochastic theory of aging? a. Cross-link theory b. Error theory c. Free radical theory d. Immunologic theory e. Somatic mutation theory f. Wear and tear theory ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: D All the theories except one are stochastic theories, that is, theories that are based on […]
Which of the following statements best describes how a family can meet the needs of society? a. By living and existing in the wider community b. By meeting the needs of the individual family members c. Through procreation and socialization d. Through productivity seen in employment positions ESSAYBID ANSWER ANS: C The family fulfills […]