BSHS 352 Week 2 DQs

This file of BSHS 352 Week 2 Discussion Questions includes:

DQ1: Some people believe that taking online college classes are an easy way out; in losing the interpersonal aspect of the face to face teaching environment, classes are more watered-down. As online students at UoP, you know differently. Some would say there is a mirroring of the process for human services professionals; many workers believe unless there is face to face involvement, the relationship is watered down. Yet if we were to honestly ask our clients about the impact of seeing us, say for one hour a week vs. having access to us in “real time” through technology (IMs, chat rooms, etc.) we might find that at times, we are the only ones who believe the face to face experience is better.

Think of the ways in which you have worked to make the online college experience more beneficial to you. Using the readings and the preparation for your assignments this week, explain how you might use the techniques you use for school in your most recent human services experience, or if you do not have a recent experience, discuss how you would interact with a client in a homeless family shelter using the technology we have available. As your experience allows, think outside the traditional views and develop a way to embrace the technology we have.

DQ2: Think back to when you first started using computers; for some of you that was when you were in elementary school, for others of us, computers were not part of the mainstream until after graduate school! Some of you probably fall in between. Regardless, we learned about technical terms in various methods along the way. Look at the following list of terms related to computers and technology. Please choose 5 of the terms below; answer the questions that are asked as if you were explaining it to one of your clients who either does not own a computer, has never used one, or if s/he has, s/he doesn’t really don’t know how it works.

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