Your company has assigned you the task


Your company has assigned you the task of evaluating its computer networks. You are to write a APAFORMATTED PAPER covering 15 points on which you will evaluate the technology, connectivity, andfunctioning of the company’s computer networks.Briefly state each area you will evaluate (one line of text – bold). Follow that by TWO paragraphsexplaining how you conduct the evaluation. (NOTE: A PARAGRAPH HAS AT LEAST 5 TO 7 COMPLETESENTENCES, NOT LINES)NO PAGE LIMIT. BUT YOU MUST HAVE THE REQUIRED PARAGRAPH SIZE, AND ALL APA FORMATExample: Evaluation of Network security technology and procedures.Review of past and recent security incidents will be conducted when and if information is available andimpact of incident will be analyzed. Review of technology now deployed including firewalls, antivirussoftware, password protection, intrusion detection, and back-up management. Installed software will beevaluated for effectiveness and compared to industry standards and best practices for network security.Version control and updates for all software packages will be reviewed. In addition, documented securityprocedures will be evaluated and compared to best practices.




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