Ethical dilemma: Online behavioral trackingStakeholdersConfidentialityPublicityRespect for persons1: MeI have the duty torespect privacy ofinformation andactionI have the duty totake actions basedon ethical standardsthat must be knownand recognized byall who are involved.I have the duty tohonor others, theirrights, and theirresponsibilities.Showing respect forothers implies that wedo not treat them as amere means to ourend.2:Other onlineusersThey have the dutyto respect privacyof information andactionThey have the dutyto take actions basedon ethical standardsthat must be knownand recognized byall who are involved.They have the duty tohonor others, theirrights, and theirresponsibilities.Showing respect forothers implies that wedo not treat them as amere means to ourend.3: AdvertisingnetworksThey have the dutyto respect privacyof information andactionThey have the dutyto take actions basedon ethical standardsthat must be knownand recognized byall who are involved.They have the duty tohonor others, theirrights, and theirresponsibilities.Showing respect forothers implies that wedo not treat them as amere means to ourend.I chose this dilemma because this is something that I am personally affected by and it issomething that has proven to be a source of irritation I am constantly bombarded by ads andemails based on my internet behavior. What did it for me was when Instagram recently beganinserting ads in my feed based on my clicked likes.I chose the three principles of confidentiality, publicity and respect for persons because I feelthese three directly relate to the character traits of my ethical issue.Confidentiality â When surfing the net as consumers we expect our online behaviorsand interests are kept confidential and not exploited to benefit advertisers unless weopt-into being tracked.Publicity â The problem here is that the actions taken by advertising networks are notknown and recognized by all who are involved. The consumers have no idea they arebeing tracked nor do they consent to it.Respect for persons â Advertisers should respect and honor the consumers rights notbe tracked unless itâs agreed to.My analysis of the research used to identify the actions in the matrix comes from SusanGrant, the Director of Consumer Protection for the Consumer Federation of America. She detailsthe risks of online behavioral tracking in her article âOnline Behavioral Advertising: TrackingYour Every Clickâ. In it she says the following:âTracking peopleâs every move is an invasion of privacyâ.âOnline behavioral advertising can be used to take advantage of vulnerableconsumersâ.âOnline behavioral advertising can be used to unfairly discriminate againstconsumersâ.âOnline behavioral profiles may be used for purposes beyond advertisingâ.These four bullet points directly relate to the three normative ethics I have chosen.ReferencesGrant, S. (n.d.). from
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