Why did the U.S. government oppose British Foreign Secretary George Canning’s proposed declaration in 1822 that Britain and the United States opposed European intervention in the Americas and that neither nation would assert any territorial interest in
Latin America?
A) The U.S. government didn’t have any objection to Spain reasserting its colonial presence in the Americas to prevent or overturn revolutionary movements in Latin America from taking power.
B) The U.S. government didn’t trust Great Britain to abstain from the Americas because of their substantial economic interests in Latin America and the Caribbean.
C) President Monroe and Secretary of State Adams aspired to the eventual U.S. takeover of parts of the Spanish Empire in North America from Texas to California and perhaps also Cuba.
D) The U.S. government was confident that the revolutions in Latin America overthrowing European colonial control would be detrimental to U.S. economic interests in the region.
Answer: C
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