Which of the following statements is true regarding the purpose of a l

Which of the following statements is true regarding the purpose of a literature review in a quantitative study?

a. Different sections of the research report in a quantitative study make use of literature for support of what is being presented.
b. For quantitative studies, relevant literature is only presented in the “literature review” section of the report, leaving other sections for the numerical analyses.
c. The purpose of the literature review varies according to what type of quantitative study is being conducted.
d. The researcher locates all relevant research on the topic before beginning the study and then uses it in the report.



A review of literature is important to all sections of the report of a quantitative study.
The literature reviewed is used throughout the research report.
The purpose of the review is always the same for any study, although it may be conducted differently depending on the type.
Statistical tests are not generally reported in the introduction.



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