Which of the following statements is true regarding the implications o

Which of the following statements is true regarding the implications of the nurse’s signature as a witness for a client’s consent? (Select all that apply.)

1. Client signed voluntarily.
2. The signature is authentic.
3. Client appears to be competent.
4. Client appears knowledgeable about the procedure.
5. The nurse has discussed the possible risks of the procedure.
6. The nurse has discussed possible post procedure nursing care.



ANS: 1, 2, 3, 4
The nurse’s signature witnessing the consent means that the client voluntarily gave consent, that the client’s signature is authentic, and that the client appears to be competent to give consent. When nurses provide consent forms for clients to sign, nurses must ask the clients if they under-stand the procedure for which they are giving consent. If clients deny understanding or you sus-pect they do not understand, notify the physician or nursing supervisor. Nursing care post pro-cedure should be discussed but is not inferred by a nurse’s signature as a witness. Discussing possible risk factors is the physician’s responsibility.

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