Which of the following outcomes for the infant and mother have occurre

Which of the following outcomes for the infant and mother have occurred because of fetal monitoring?

a. Improved outcomes for both infant and mother
b. No difference for the infant but improved outcomes for the mother
c. No difference for the mother but improved outcomes for the infant
d. No difference in outcomes for the infant but increased risk for the mother



The technology of fetal monitoring has been shown to increase the C-section rate without improving neonatal outcomes. C-sections are risky for the mother as they involve the risks of any major surgery such as hemorrhage, infection, damage to adjacent structures, as well as risks associated with anesthesia. Long-term sequelae for women include pelvic pain, along with formation of adhesions and placental abnormalities that lead to complications in subsequent pregnancies. Improved outcomes both for the mother and infant have not been demonstrated.



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