What was the role of the Indian peoples in the success of the Lewis an

What was the role of the Indian peoples in the success of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

How did some of Lewis and Clark’s reports about the Indians they encountered reflect certain cultural assumptions of whites that proved to be quite dubious?


Answer: An ideal answer will:
1. Discuss how during the first winter of their expedition in 1804-05, Lewis and Clark made camp at a friendly and cooperative Mandan native village at the Missouri River near the U.S.-Canadian border in modern day North Dakota. State how Americans traded goods and celebrated white feasts with Mandans, including New Year’s Day, with the somewhat perplexed tribe.
2. Discuss the critical logistical role played by Shoshone guide Sacagawea who also used her knowledge of the geography of the countryside and waterways to guide the expedition in the West, find food, and translate with some of the tribes Lewis and Clark met. Note how Lewis and Clark initially mistook Sacagawea as the slave of their interpreter Toussaint Charbonneau, when she was actually his wife.
3. Discuss how the food hospitality, helpful logistical and mapping support, and canoes provided by a party of Nez Perce Indians and a Nez Perce leader named Twisted Hair prevented the Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery members from starving to death, saved the lives of their horses, and allowed them to reach the Pacific Ocean.
4. Discuss how William Clark and the Nez Perce Indian leader, Red Bear had very different explanations for the friendly and welcoming behavior of the Nez Perce to the expedition’s arrival at the Nez Perce villages in the Weippe Prairie near present-day Idaho.
5. Discuss how the different cultural conditioning and the different historical influences of a proud white American like Clark and a proud Indian leader like Red Bear would produce such varying explanations for the friendly and accommodating behavior of the Nez Perce when they encountered the Lewis and Clark expedition in September 1805.
6. Write a concise and effective conclusion.

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